Home gallery of Kathi Day containing mostly digital and watercolors.  Paintings and illustrations of fantasy creatures, fairytale scenes and future fairytales.  Some random comics, frogs, and hamsters.  Higher resolution files available for purchase.
Silent bells.
techpixie.net = K.A.H.D. = Kathi Day = GusDeFrog
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If you're trying to use Google Docs on iOS, and having search crash all the time, search for the least common letter or symbol you've used, wait until the result is found, and then you can usually edit the search without immediately crashing, and it will function normally.


Over a year ago now, I got my spine sealed up successfully. Unfortunately, this lead to a year of nearly monthly pressure setting adjustments, as we frantically tried to adjust my current VP shunt to a functional setting for me, as it had apparently been installed after I had begun leaking. We went all the way down to below where they tried to set it originally, and then came back up a notch. I lost nearly all executive function and tracking in the meantime, and I'm very slowly recovering again, finally. The server.. um.. lets call it a downgrade, in the middle of the severe leakage, is still beyond my ability to fix at once. But at least I've finally got python reading files again successfully (they dropped file in favor of open, simple I guess, but annoying.) There are a few dozen commands and variables that were changed in the upgrades, in addition to all of the Apache changes. .py will now show in my site addresses because I haven't been able to learn exactly what got broken about ModPython, which is no longer supported. Anyway, fun. But.. I live! So, success. Of a sort.


I seem to keep repeating this, but not have posted it everywhere, so:

I have Pseudotumor Cerebri / Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension. I developed it when I was 25. One of the earliest treatments was a shunt set into my spine to drain off excess fluid.
(There has a been a LOT of stuff since, including shunts set into my brain, but anyway...) A few years ago I seemed to have developed a leak but we couldn't find it right away. It turned out the original shunt system's plastics had decayed and it was what was leaking. When they tried to go in and just tie it off, it shattered when they touched it. So now I'm leaking worse, and they are going to try to remove it.
I'm still in "scheduling" but I've completed one pre-op appointment and I've got another soon.

. . . Show ALL

Kathi was born in the previous century, lives on planet earth, and is reliant upon other humans for her continuing existence.
Two cats currently own the humans at this residence. Their names are Grace and Noir. They eat a lot of cruchies. Buy books and pictures!!

K Bio Bits:
For those addicted to reading:

Kathi's education ranged from a one room schoolhouse in Harney county, at least 3 other towns, and then through colleges in various cities. Stopped going to school, but can't quit learning.

Currently sick more often than not. Hobbies include drawing, painting, reading, walking, plants, music and games.

Kathi has two sisters, Jenni and Lauri, a former husband, Simon. One nephew, Alexander, who no longer stores toys in the middle of the floor and breaks chalk, but now lurks in front of a computer when not enduring highschool (wonder where he picked up the habit, hmm). Various kith and kin are still around. Some are not.

Many friends are not here, but are not forgotten.

2914 NE Shepard Rd.
Bend, OR 97701 USA
Ph: 541-350-4573

Kathi's Art Resume


pix-@-techpixie.net  |   Creative Commons License  |  Kathi A.H. Day
Please reference the artist/photographer and techpixie.net in any use of these images.